How adaptable are you in the new COVID-19 business world?

So, you’ve been asked to run your businesses completely differently.  Juggle your projects, tasks, collaborate, delegate and, oh, by the way, don’t lose sight of your vision! The question you need to ask yourself now is, “how adaptable am I, really?” Only time will tell the final score, but in the meanwhile, reflect on these […]

2020 Goals or just another resolution?

  A new year, a new decade and we’re excited! Let’s start rolling with our new goals! So, yesterday, each member of my business breakfast group announced their commitment for 2020 and how they would measure it in 2020.   And, they ran the usual gamut of what you’d expect us to share professionally: Get my […]

You spot it-you got it!

Have you heard this comment lately? If only they would ______, things around here would be better.  The fact is-most people would rather blame their circumstances or other people,  then consider changing themselves to improve their circumstances. Recently, I worked with a group where each team member confidentially claimed in one way or another that…” I […]